(215) 758-9200 Philadelphia Office
Licensed in Pennsylvania, New Jersey & Federal Courts
"When you hire our office you will be treated as a person and your case will be given the time and attention you deserve."
- John M. Walsh

Drug Offenses & Conspiracy
Being accused of a Drug Possession or Sales can cost you your job, your family and even a lifetime time in prison. The Law Office of John M. Walsh aggressively defends people against these types charges in both New Jersey and Pennsylvania. Do not plead guilty to the charge, or accept any offer from the prosecutor, without first consulting an experienced criminal defense lawyer. If you or a loved one is charged with a Drug Related Offenses, contact us for a free initial consultation.
​Drug Possession
Anyone possessing illegal drugs or narcotics for
the purpose of personal use or distribution can
be charged with drug possession. Drug possession
charges are extremely serious and should be
handled by an experienced drug crime attorney.
We provide outstanding legal representation,
advice, and guidance to clients accused of a drug
possession in Pennsylvania, New Jersey and
Federal Courts.
Possession with Intent to Distribute
In Pennsylvania, individuals can be charged with possession with intent to deliver (PWID) through evidence of direct sales or expert testimony that the weight or other evidence that points to intent to sell. Officers often use surveillance or confidential informants to make their cases. In a possession with intent to deliver case, it is extremely important to have a skilled attorney from the very beginning. The preliminary hearing can be used to set up a motion to suppress physical evidence (drugs). If a motion to suppress is successful it is often the end of the Commonwealth’s case.
Our office has successfully represented hundreds of individuals charge with possession or PWID.
If convicted of drug offense a person can be sentenced to any of the following penalties:
Misdemeanor or Felony Offense
Up to 40 Years in Prison
Up to $250,000 in Fines
Community Service
Drivers License Suspension
Drug Counseling/Rehab
Permanent Mark on Criminal Record
Contact the Law Office of John M. Walsh for a free initial consultation.

Our Office
2016 Spuce Street
Philadelphia, PA 19103
Email: john@jmwalshlaw.com
Tel: (215) 758-9200
Fax: (215) 543-3370
1 West Third Street
Suite 200
Media, PA 19063
Email: john@jmwalshlaw.com
Tel: (484) 234-2500
Fax: (215) 543-3370
To Schedule an appointment online, please fill in the following contact form: